Friday, April 23, 2010

And they say the Tea Party is all about hate....

So, being the type of person I am, I joined a left-wing propaganda group on Facebook. This particular group was railing against a joke going around on the Internet. The joke goes as follows:
It is meant to be funny. There is no hate, bigotry, or malice intended. It's supposed to be funny. It is not a legit prayer asking for a real death or demise for President Barack Hussein Obama. It is a joke. End of story.

Let us not forget the shuddering silence that followed plays and books that fantasized about the untimely death of George W. Bush. There was unbridled hate and vitriol aimed at Bush and Dick Cheney for eight years, and it came from the media, from entertainers, from bloggers, and not just wild fringe elements. Yet, because the elites deemed conservatives and Republicans as less than human, any kind of attack was allowed and welcomed.


I joined this Facebook group full of liberal sheep who see Obama as a deity and not a human. It is a group calling for the deletion and banning of a group who uses the above joke as the group title. These liberal whiners claim its racist, bigoted, and evil. (The same brand of people who laugh when Trigg Palin is made fun of on Family Guy or when Todd Palin is accused of being sexually involved with his daughters...ironic, huh? I joined in order to offer a chance for real debate on this issue and the double standard in how people react to how liberals and how Conservatives are treated.

I debated one particular individual who called himself Luis Stevens Guerrero. I offered merit-based, fact-based arguments. He resorted to name-calling, insults, and constant degradation against me and all Conservatives. I told him that his last name, Guerrero, means warrior, and its a shame he cannot be a warrior for his own beliefs and defend how he feels. His responses directly to me were ignorant, weak, and childish. I accused him of coming to a battle of wits unarmed. End of argument, or so I thought.

Luis Stevens Guerrero decided to go to my profile and find out who my mom is. He then proceeds to send the following e-mail message to my mother:
You should have aborted David.


Thus is the typical garbage as spewed by a vast majority of the left.

Need more? Let's look at Obama ally Bertha Lewis, the head of ACORN. She spoke to a group of young Democratic Socialists, applauded them as being socialists, and then compared anyone who opposes socialism to the racists and bigots who believed in segregation, internments, and other great racial travesties. She then called the TEA Party movement a "bowel movement."

How about the lies that democratic senators told the media about being called the "N" word during the Tea Party protests outside the Capitol prior to the health care vote. No video nor audio evidence has been produced, even with Andrew Breitbart's $100K bounty for such evidence, to support the claims. Yet, the media and anyone on the left continues the narrative accusing the Tea Party of being racist.

The left cannot defeat the Tea Party on facts and reason, so they result to hate. They result to name calling. They result to writing to mothers of conservatives to tell that innocent mother that she should have aborted her conservative child.

The left is truly a class act.

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About Me...And This Blog Site...

My name is David A. Ebert, the oldest of two siblings produced by my parents, Leah and David G. Ebert. We are all Republicans, but I take it a toke or two...well, closer to 10 tokes...further than my parents,

I am very much a Right Wing Conservative. I am a Reagan Conservative. I believe Americans, in general, are smarter than elected officials in Washington, DC. We should be more in charge than the Government.

We, as individuals and families, should have more responsibility over our own, hard-earned money and not send more and more and more taxes to the out-of-touch politicians. I believe the government is there to serve us, and not us to serve them.

I believe in America's greatness and that, overall, we are the most generous, forgiving, intelligent, and genuinely decent country in the world. I also believe that we are the most powerful nation in the history of the world, but do not use that power to hold over the collective heads of other nations.

I believe that low taxes, intelligent spending of those tax revenues, strong initiatives on defense and education, and small government influence on the day-to-day lives of Americans are some of the most important ideals related to how the US should be operated.I believe in the freedoms granted by the US Constitution. I believe that judges should uphold and interpret the laws as written in the US Constitution, and not refer to any foreign legislation to make their historic decisions.

I believe the First Amendment, as well as the entire Bill of Rights, are the most important laws this world has ever seen.

I believe abortion is WRONG. I believe that homosexuality is WRONG. I believe that allowing anyone to publicly debate the possibility of lowering the age of consent, especially for young boys to consent to older men, is a tragedy of morality. I believe that organizations like NAMBLA should be publicly shunned and not given a platform to spew their harmful and dangerous rhetoric.

I believe there is a sad lacking in the ability of our nation to appreciate and accept self responsibility. We, as a nation, blame daddy, racism, sexism, classism, mommy, the mean teacher, the mean little league coach, the loud mouthed uncle, the financial status of the neighborhood in which we grew up in, and a million and one other reasons why we do not succeed. How often do we, as a nation, take the blame for our own mistakes? How often do you hear someone accept responsibility for their own mistakes? How often?

I am conservative. I am worried about the future of the country and the planet, especially if O-BOMB-A or Billary Clinton make it to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. I will start posting my fears, my hopes, my ideas as they all relate to news and politics. I hope to open some eyes and change some opinions with my writings. Most of all, I hope you will read my words and be inspired to find the truth...and not rely on Chris Matthews or Keith Olberman or Katie Couric or Matt Lauer for your opinions. I hope you will break the mold and do something something that O-BOMB-A and Billary are afraid of you doing...


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