Monday, February 16, 2009

Too Important for Just One Blog

The Fairness Doctrine.

This ideology is one more attack on the First Amendment and the freedoms that make America not Europe.

Liberals pine to make us Europe II, eroding our freedoms and growing the control and power that our federal government exudes upon us. They long to have an elite class telling us little people how to live, think, and die. They are hypocritical to no end.

They fight to kill babies, but save the lives of murderers and genocidal dictators.

They fight to free criminals, and attack victims for being having prejudice.

They fight to raise taxes on the wealthy, but apparently do not pay their own taxes.

They fight for equality, but only equality based on surface criteria and not content.

They tell minorities that the Democrats are the only ones in Washington fighting for them, but forget these same minorities in-between elections.

They claim to support the Civil Rights movement and claim pride in a black President, but the President is still answering to the political wants and agendas of white 'massas' in Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi.

They claim to want ethics, transparency, and no lobbyists in the new administration, yet we get the polar opposite (tax cheats, liars, a $790 BILLION package that no one knows the contents of, and lobbyists are fully integrated in the administration despite campaign promises to do otherwise).

Obama himself lied with his first public promise on the campaign trail when he said he would take public financing for his campaign, only to do the opposite.

And now, our freedom of speech is under attack. Unfortunately, it is under attack in only the area of media that has a tinge of right-wing-leaning: Talk Radio.

The "Fairness Doctrine" is on the agenda in Washington, DC, now, and 'fairness' could not be further from the truth.

The "Fairness Doctrine" will only attack commercial talk radio. It will not go after NPR, which is tax-payer funded radio. It will not include NBC, ABC, CBS, MSNBC, CNBC, and CNN. It will not include print such as the New York Times, Time, Newsweek, the LA Times, the Washington Times, and any of a million print media.

The "Fairness Doctrine" is specifically designed for the one media stronghold that conservatives have. Commercial radio.

I said in a previous blog that this is another way Democrats are going to punish success. Rush Limbaugh and Sean Hannity are successful in a competitive, commercial, ratings-driven, results-driven occupation. They both offer a service that millions of people want. They are successful because they offer something that people listen to and sponsors want to have their product attached to.

This cannot stand, at least from the point of view of Liberals.

Liberals failed in radio. Air America, funded by millionaires country-wide, cannot get in one year the ratings Rush and Sean get in a week. Why? People do not like to listen to liberal whining for three or four hours a day. People do not want to become further upset because of the liberal doom and gloom on their way home and to work. Air America failed in a fair-market system. They had their chance.

So, instead of believing in evolution and survival of the fittest in times that they are not the ones surviving, they decide to become parasites. Leeching off the success of people like Rush and Sean and Boortz and Mark Levin.

The "Fairness Doctrine" is like the NFL going to Foxboro, Massachusetts, telling Brian Belichick that he is too successful. The Patriots have been too dominant for too long. It is not fair. So, to make it fair, he can only play Tom Brady for 2 quarters, then he has to play the Detroit Lions' quarterbacks for the final two quarters. Its not fair that these QBs in Detroit cannot win. So, they get a chance to win in New England.

Maybe the NBA should have gone to Chicago in the 1990s and said, "Michael is too good. Better than we expected. It is not fair. Portland did not know he was going to be this good. So, to be fair, Michael has to play 41 games in Chicago, and 41 games in Portland. To make it fair, you guys can use Sam Bowie for the 41 games Michael is not here."

Those are two great examples of how the "Fairness Doctrine" would work in other forms of competition.

This, ladies and gentlemen, is the evolution of Big Brother. This is socialist control of our freedoms. This is an ever-growing government. If we do not rebel...if we do not revolt...if we do not fight this administration's agenda...folks, without a doubt, in the not-so-distant future, we will find ourselves in underground meetings, in back-alleys, in darkened rooms, telling remorseful tales of how America used to be free...and how we let it die.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This just gets more frightening every day that passes.Are people really so blind and deaf?

About Me...And This Blog Site...

My name is David A. Ebert, the oldest of two siblings produced by my parents, Leah and David G. Ebert. We are all Republicans, but I take it a toke or two...well, closer to 10 tokes...further than my parents,

I am very much a Right Wing Conservative. I am a Reagan Conservative. I believe Americans, in general, are smarter than elected officials in Washington, DC. We should be more in charge than the Government.

We, as individuals and families, should have more responsibility over our own, hard-earned money and not send more and more and more taxes to the out-of-touch politicians. I believe the government is there to serve us, and not us to serve them.

I believe in America's greatness and that, overall, we are the most generous, forgiving, intelligent, and genuinely decent country in the world. I also believe that we are the most powerful nation in the history of the world, but do not use that power to hold over the collective heads of other nations.

I believe that low taxes, intelligent spending of those tax revenues, strong initiatives on defense and education, and small government influence on the day-to-day lives of Americans are some of the most important ideals related to how the US should be operated.I believe in the freedoms granted by the US Constitution. I believe that judges should uphold and interpret the laws as written in the US Constitution, and not refer to any foreign legislation to make their historic decisions.

I believe the First Amendment, as well as the entire Bill of Rights, are the most important laws this world has ever seen.

I believe abortion is WRONG. I believe that homosexuality is WRONG. I believe that allowing anyone to publicly debate the possibility of lowering the age of consent, especially for young boys to consent to older men, is a tragedy of morality. I believe that organizations like NAMBLA should be publicly shunned and not given a platform to spew their harmful and dangerous rhetoric.

I believe there is a sad lacking in the ability of our nation to appreciate and accept self responsibility. We, as a nation, blame daddy, racism, sexism, classism, mommy, the mean teacher, the mean little league coach, the loud mouthed uncle, the financial status of the neighborhood in which we grew up in, and a million and one other reasons why we do not succeed. How often do we, as a nation, take the blame for our own mistakes? How often do you hear someone accept responsibility for their own mistakes? How often?

I am conservative. I am worried about the future of the country and the planet, especially if O-BOMB-A or Billary Clinton make it to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. I will start posting my fears, my hopes, my ideas as they all relate to news and politics. I hope to open some eyes and change some opinions with my writings. Most of all, I hope you will read my words and be inspired to find the truth...and not rely on Chris Matthews or Keith Olberman or Katie Couric or Matt Lauer for your opinions. I hope you will break the mold and do something something that O-BOMB-A and Billary are afraid of you doing...


Cross Referencing My Blogs