Saturday, November 10, 2007

CNN's Slanted Reporting Against Pro Wrestling

I love pro wrestling. I enjoy watching it, doing it, reading about it.

I hate the negative connotation that people have with wrestling.

Wrestling is no different than any other sport. It has a few bad apples. It has a few black eyes. Chris Benoit goes nuts and does something unimaginable...people question whether wrestling should even be allowed to continue.

OJ Simpson goes nuts and hacks his ex-wife's head off and brutally murders an innocent man at the same time, no one dares attack pro football over it.

Since the Benoit tragedy, there has been this mob of media with their pitchforks and torches trying to tear down this form of entertainment.

Some of you may think I am biased and am overly protective of something I am interested in and love...well, look at the two links below and tell me if pro wrestling is getting a fair shake.

John Cena did an interview with CNN, a "trusted name in news," for their slant, hack-job attack on pro wrestling called "Death Grip." This program was a look at how steroids plays into wrestling. One link is the full interview, uncut, that John Cena gave. The other is the 30 second excerpt that CNN ran.

Watch and decide...

This is the clip CNN aired in their slanted "Death Grip" program.

John Cena's Unedited Interview

Saturday, October 20, 2007

Innocence Stripped Away...Liberals call it PROGRESS!!

(This Blog originally appeared on my MySpace blog in 2007.)

As I sit at my sister's apartment, sipping instant mix hot chocolate, I wonder just how sad our society has already gotten, and just how far it will go.

I remember a time when hot chocolate was a thrill. When I had no idea what sex was and how babies were really made. I was able to enjoy life and not worry about the world crumbling into oblivion, literally and figuratively.

I used to be innocent. You could call it ignorance, but as a kid, even as recently as the late 80's, ignorance was bliss.

But today, people are constantly pushing back the age of innocence and of blissful ignorance. Most of these people are staunch liberals, and vote democrat...let's see what the liberals are doing now.

In case you haven't heard, law-makers in Maine are pushing for new programs (and more wasted tax dollars) to provide contraceptives for 11 year olds.

Yes, 11.

Just over a decade in age.

These kids are going to be stripped of any chance of that ignorant bliss I enjoyed as a kid. These children will be given the keys to a dangerous vehicle---sex.

Sex is not a toy...its not a meaningless act of fun and excitement. Whether you will admit it or not, there are serious psychological and emotional consequenses when engaging in sex. You can ignore it all you want, but there are chemical, mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual changes that occur within yourself everytime you participate in sex. Cannot be helped. It was DESIGNED that way.

These side effects and changes that occur when sex happens are complex. So complex that many adults have trouble understanding and dealing with them. Yet, we continue to push children closer and closer to sex at younger and younger ages.

Within the next ten years, I guarentee that there will be a 7th grader who misses school due to maternity leave. Think I am kidding???

Why in the world are we destroying the innocence of our kids? Why are we allowing it to happen sooner and sooner?

Its bad enough the smut and garbage we put up with on TV and in what they call music. Movies are garbage. There is very little decent, kid-friendly product left in the world. So why not let 11 year-olds have the safe-haven of school?

Why are we going to allow the Big-Brother government come in, rape our children of innocence, and give them condoms and other sex-related information and contraceptives??

We are becoming so socialist, and it scares me that more people do not realize it. We are slowly being led into a society controlled by a larger-than-life government that will tell us every single detail of our lives.

Read the novel 1984. Big Brother IS watching us. Big Brother is people like, George Soros, Hillary Clinton, Harry Reid, John Kerry, and most of the rest of the left.

Please, stop the raping of the innocence of our children. Stop this measure, and others like it. Let the kids have some happiness and blissful ignorance before we open the doors to worlds they could not possibly comprehend.

(Here is a response to this blog I recieved on my MySpace blog page.)

"You know, when I was in middle school (1989-1992), we had an 8th grader who was pregnant with her SECOND child. A couple of years ago at the school where I work, we had an 8th grader pregnant by a 7th grader. My point? Kids are being "adults" in today's society no matter if we like it or not. This is NOT the fault of the democratic party, but rather the parents who have decided not to be parents. When you have middle schoolers with their parents permitting their boyfriends/girlfriends moving into their homes, what do you expect. And, let's not forget society in general. Sex is EVERYWHERE... in magazine ads, on TV, even widely mentioned in news stories. How do you expect kids, who already are clueless to what's happening to their changing bodies (since parents leave that part out of discussions and Republicans don't want teachers to be the ones to explain it to children) to know anything but to go out and "have a good time" in whatever way they see fit. It's the same thing with drugs. I would've never believed how many middle school and high school students (even elementary for that matter) are doing drugs of various kinds on a daily basis. Since they ARE doing it, should educators and politicians simply discontinue drug awareness also? Wow. Fact is, we live in this society and we can choose to ignore the issues or we can choose to be proactive about them. I'd prefer to keep those 11 year olds children rather than parents. At least that way they'd have a chance at growing past their childish, curious ways and become productive (childless) teenagers... and on into adults."

(Here is my follow-up blog in response to the comments left on my MySpace page.)

I felt the need to write a follow-up to my previous post, based upon some of the responses I recieved. There are several points I need to make to further my previous blog.

My first point is this: the problem with most left-wing-inspired solutions is that they are not solutions. They are band-aids trying to fix broken bones. They are like cough medicine to fix constipation. It just is not going to work and will not fix the real problems.

You can look like you want to help, but if you do not get to the root of a problem and fight to improve the situation, all you are doing is enabling the furtherment of the issue.

This particular issue is public schools providing contraceptives and sex education to children as young as 11. I have a SERIOUS problem with this.

The point is raised that there are kids that young already engaging in sex, so we have to do nothing more than accept it. Go ahead and give them the keys to the car since some of them are already driving.

Why spend all of these tax dollars to further encourage younger and younger children to engage in sex? If you are making the contraceptives available, you are encouraging it. Plain and simple.
I don't know all the answers. No one does. But the answer is NOT giving 11 year olds condoms.

Why can't we start addressing the REAL problem? The REAL problem is not trying to make sure that 11 year olds are having safe sex. The REAL problem is that kids that young are engaging in ANY kind of sexual activity.

The problem is, no one wants to work at it. No one wants to put any real effort into fixing our society. Everyone wants everything handed to them. No one is willing to get dirty and clean things up. Everyone is afraid of getting sued.

Everyone is looking to the government to save us...

Which is what the elite left want...they want you to look to Washington, DC, for all your answers. They want to be the ones to tell you what questions you should be asking.

When are we going to stand up as people and fight to save our society? Fight to save morals, responsibilty, and decency? Fight to restore some innocence to the lives of our children?

What is it going to take for us to fight back and clean up the mess?

Is there anyone willing to roll up the sleeves and put some REAL effort into addressing the REAL problems in society?

Here is a list of the major problems we could start with:

-Severe lack of matter what you do, we have a government program to bail you out so you never have to learn from your mistakes. You go get pregnant? That's fine. We'll let you kill it with no questions asked. You don't even have to tell your parents/guardians about it! Didn't do anything productive with your life? Why, here's a check for you! You can collect as long as you like.

-EXTREME selfishness...mostly brought on by the baby-boomer generation who had everything handed to them on a silver platter after WWII. No depression to deal real threat to their safety as Americans until 9-11-01...and even then we were spoiled into thinking that there was no more threat to us.

-Unbelievable laziness...we drive 15 minutes in parking lots looking for a space 10 feet closer to the store. we won't get off our couches to vote....we won't spend any real time researching the issues and vetting our political candidates...we use the left-slant of the media as our only guidence for voting...we do not take time to reach out to people in need of guidence and care and training...if we can't cut a check and mail it in, we really are slow to help people in need...we are a sorry, lazy society.

-Television is NOT A BABYSITTER!!!! Obviously, thanks to the likes of Judges like Ruth Bader Ginsburg and the other liberals who have been on the US Supreme Court, we are not going to be able to stop the garbage that is being produced for TV and movies. What we CAN do is start creating and finding better alternatives to the televisions for children. I know parents have to work and cannot be there to keep kids distracted from watching...but we need some effort by the parents and other people to get the kids off the couch and away from the horrible influences of TV, movies, and even video games.

If we could actually get motivated to address those issues, maybe we can get back to a point to where society is worth saving. I cannot imagine society being much worse when God had Noah build the Ark. It scares me to think how poorly we, including me and pretty much everyone in the world today, have done with out lives and with our society.

We are all spoiled. We are all lazy. We all shirk responsibility.

That needs to change...or, God help us...if He isn't already given up on us.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Deerborne, MI Republican Debates

As you might have heard, the fledgling CNBC hosted a Republican debate on the economy. The site chosen for the debate on the economy was Deerborne, Michigan, which is right in the middle of a state in dire straights economically.

In his first debate since officially entering the race, Senator Fred Thompson seemed to be out to get his points out with as little flair as possible. Seemingly, Rudy Guliani and Mitt Romney battled back and forth for the spotlight. In my opinion, these are the best choices for president. Any of the three will offer a more successful administration than anything the democrats could conjure up.

Thompson seemed to try to stay off the radar, wanting to let Mitt and Rudy cancel each other out and allow him to gracefully step in as the front-runner. In any event, I do believe that a ticket that combines any of these three men would be impressive and worth voting for.

As stated throughout the debate, our economy is actually doing well. It is strong and has seen over 20 consecutive quarters of growth. Inflation is low and so is unemployment. This growth is directly attributed to the Bush Tax Cuts.

The problem with the Republicans going into Michigan to brag on the Bush Tax Cuts, low unemployment, and the robust economy is that the exact opposite is occurring within Michigan. And, being the truly fair and balanced news source it is, CNBC must have randomly chosen the spot and had no intention of setting up the Republicans for the potential pitfal.

However, a deeper look at Michigan shows something. It shows the Liberal Plan for America in a scale model. It shows high taxes, endless entitlements, and fund shortages for the government. The joblessness in Michigan is staggering, more than twice the national average. The taxes paid by the middle class is nearly back-breaking. The entire state is on the verge of its own economic crash. Its a state that is run from the Governor on down to the Lansing dog catcher by liberal democrats.

Within the last two weeks, in order to secure for funds for the nearly bankrupt state government, the Governor of Michigan did what any self-respecting Democratic leader would do. An emergency tax hike was called for, once again, because, hey, it hasn't worked before, so maybe it will this time.

Raising taxes to raise funds for the government is the same as the bee trying to get to the hive through a closed window. The answer seems to be to go this way, yet no matter how many times you bang your head into the clear glass, you are not going to get through to the other side. Yet, these democrats keep banging their heads into the glass.

So, I encourage you to look at the real numbers in Michigan. Study the state. This, my friends, would be America under Hillary, Obama, Breck Girl Edwards, or pretty much anyone on the other side.

Then, I encourage everyone reading this, if you are planning on voting democratic, go ahead and write a check for about 10-25% of your income and mail it to the IRS. Go ahead. You'll be doing it in the future anyway. Note that this check, and future taxes, represents the increase of at least 10-25% under a left-wing administration. There really is no law against sending money to the government. So, go ahead and start sending the extra money now.

Then, request that Michael Moore, Alec Baldwin, Susan Sarandon, Al Gore, Leo DiCaprio, Sean Penn, and Danny Glover and the like start cutting checks to the government. They are all for a democrat in office, and all for higher taxes. I say, put your money where your mouth is...literally. Michael Moore was on Bill O'Reilly during the 2004 campaign claiming to be okay with a 60% tax, why doesn't he and his ilk prove it and send the money now anyway?

Back to the point...Michigan's suffering should not be in vain. We need to look at the state as a microchosm of the US under liberal least from an economic stand point.

We all know Liberals would leave us wide open to terrorist attacks. They have done it before. (See World Trade Center Attacks 1993, US Embassy bombings in Africa, and the USS Cole attack. And if you want to look further back, see the hostages that were taken under Mr. Peanut and released immediately after the swearing in of Ronald Reagan. I don't recall the US getting attacked under Reagan either...or George H.W. Bush....hmm, see a pattern?)

So, can it be any clearer which party needs control in 2008? You want our economy taxed into oblivion like Michigan? You want our people killed by terrorists here, at home?

If so, vote Democrat.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Justice Clarence Thomas

What do you know about Justice Clarence Thomas? Are your only images of this man those of the confirmation hearings over a decade and a half ago?

Perhaps your impressions of Justice Thomas are inspired only by the slanted media presentation of this man. Perhaps you only know what the likes of staunch liberal newspeople like Dan Rather, Katie Couric, Chris Matthews, or the entire editorial staff of the New York Times WANTS you to think.

I encourage you to either buy or, if you feel you do not want to spend money on it, borrow from your local library "My Grandfather's Son." It is Justice Thomas's autobiography. It is the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, in his own words.

Justice Thomas did not come from a well-to-do, or even a middle-class family. He came from the humblest of roots. He didn't need the government to tell him he was being held back because of his color. He overcame it all, despite the racism and the hatred people of color dealt with in his formitive years. He overcame people like democratic leaders senator Al Gore, Sr., who voted time and time again to stop the Civil Rights Acts. He overcame the hatred of the Klan, which included future senator Robert Byrd.

Yet, you do not know this. You only know him as an "Uncle Tom," as he has been called. You only know him for "the scandal that wasn't" in his confirmation hearings.

Read the book, or just catch him in one of his interviews of late. See just how intelligent, well spoken, and truly decent and humble this man is.

We should be proud to have this man on the Supreme Court. He knows why he is there. He understands what his job is. He is not a legislator. He is merely there to interpret current law as it applies to the cases he sees.

Justice Clarence Thomas is a prime example of what a man can do if he tries. If he applies himself to making himself better. He is at the pinnacle of his career because he deserves it. And he deserves the respect of all of us. Whether you are liberal, conservative, middle of the road...whether you agree or disagree with his views...this is a man worthy of respect.

Thursday, October 4, 2007

The Do-Nothing Democrats

"Phony Soldiers."

This small statement said in conversation with a caller almost 2 weeks ago is still a hot topic on Capitol Hill.

Dirty Harry Reid has led an effort to smear, attack, degrade, and pretty much call for the suspension, if not complete removal from air, Rush Limbaugh. Our tax dollars are funding the salaries of these soundbite mongers. Our tax dollars are being spent on representatives who chose to spend time arguing against a private citizen instead of trying to fix the problems this country is facing.

And its all over a blatant LIE.

It is a LIE...there is nothing to argue or debate about. What Reid and his liberal wack-job cohorts are crying foul about is a lie. It is a manipulation of the situation. It is a blatant attack on an American citizen and what they do or don't do in their occupation.

Rush did say the words "Phony Soldiers," in reference to former military speaking out against the Iraq war. The catch to these people, the snafu that makes them, in fact, phony, is the small detail that they WERE NEVER IN IRAQ. While everyone is entitled to their opinion, former military who never served in Iraq should not speak against the war as though they have been in this particular war.

Other media outlets, including ABC, have used the term before. "Phony Soldiers" is not something coined by Rush. Yet, to hear the Congressional record the past two weeks, you would think "Phony Soldiers" was a term coined by an anti-troop, anti-war, anti-American kook...but Rush is not on Air America...Rush is about as Patriotic, pro-Soldier as one can get. He has visited Walter Reed, toured the bases in Afghanistan and Iraq, and constantly supports the troops in every way he can.

Yet, Rush, Sean Hannity, and any right-wing commentator these liberals can think of, are being dragged through the mud as being everything the liberals have actually been. Anti-American. Anti-Troop. Anti-Patriotic.

It was a democrat liberal who called our troops "Nazi's."

It was a democrat liberal who said that our troops "terrorize women and children in the dark of night."

It was a democrat who compared the troops in our war prisons to those of the Russian "gulags."
It is the liberal democrat movement to cut funding for the well as cut the defense budget to force us out of Iraq. (In the meantime, the troops will have to start chucking rocks and empty clips at the enemy as the money runs out.)

When Ahmadenijiad came to Columbia, he was speaking from liberal democratic talking points. (Did you really NOT notice how much like Hillary or Edwards or Reid or Pelosi Ahmadenijiad sounded?)

You see, the liberals know truth, facts, reality, and human decency really won't get them into control. They cannot defeat a true conservative in a one-on-one, mature debate.

Instead, they spend time NOT fixing social security, NOT fixing the fledgling Welfare System, NOT securing our borders, and NOT protecting us from future attacks. They choose to attack radio commentators who do little more than give the other side of the story...known in most dictionaries as the truth. I guess when your approval rating is lower than the President you've spent 8 years lying about, you have to attack someone else.

I pay a lot in taxes. A little less than I did in the 90's, percentagewise at least. In losing money to the government, I would like to see my dollars better spent. I think it is a gross waste of time for Congress to be stalled for 2 weeks to debate and discuss a two-word statement by a private citizen. Its such a waste of time and money.

I guess though, what can you expect. In their year since the major upset win in 2006, what have they done? The war continues, with progress, despite their constant emboldening of the enemy. Their non-binding resolution parade of the spring was nothing but a waste of time. Their blatant smear attacks on General Petraeus was dispicable. What have they really done since the election?

I think its time these democrats get back to work.

I mean, come on, there are thousands more bridges and post offices to rename.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Free Speech for EVERYONE!!!! American or not...

Wow. The graciousness and subservient self-abuse of our country never seems to end. Despite what we do, who we help, what sacrifices we make as a nation, it is still not enough for many foreign countries, as well as many of those on the left in this country.

So, following in the footsteps of Bill Clinton, who spread open the doors and gates of the White House and America to welcome in terrorist leader Yassir Arafat, Columbia University opens their doors and exposes impressionable college students to the vile diatribe of a terrorist.

The media, to be PC, calls him a President, to suggest he is a leader of a country that was chosen. (Much like the Iraqis "elected" Sadam.) However, Iranian President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad is far from an elected president of a sovereign nation. He is a terrorist…he leads terrorists…he funds and arms terrorists…and he is not a president. He is holding millions of good people hostage in Iran. If they speak against the Ahmadinejad regime, those tend to be the final words ever heard from that person. Websites and newspapers are constantly being put under or feel pressure from Ahmadinejad's censorship.

Yet, somehow, this terrorist…this evil, vile human being…gets center stage at a prestigious university. He gets the golden, guided tour through a city still feeling the effects of what people like him did six years ago. He gets protection and fine accommodations at the expense of the American taxpayer.

He is supposedly protected and given this opportunity courtesy of the First Amendment. He has the right to free speech and the right to be heard…


I don't know how to say it any other way. He is a terrorist. He is a killer. He is a power-hungry, fear-instilling, censoring dictator who is a major threat to world security and safety.

Ahmadinejad is not, nor ever will be, a US Citizen. Well, I take that back. If his current ride of liberal respect and adulation continues, I could see Hillary Clinton as president…ok, give me a second, even hypothetically that thought gives me chills and makes me fight the urge to vomit…back to point…I could see President Clinton II granting Ahmadinejad an Honorary Citizenship and a gift basket full of signed pardons for him to pass out to his friends. I mean, that's what Bill did in his final days…granted unheard of gifts and pardons to convicted terrorists. So, Hillary already has her friend in mind…Ahmadinejad.

However, until the dark, immoral, big-government nightmare of Big Brother Clinton part II comes to fruition, we have some time for sanity left. Ahmadinejad is not a citizen, thus not protected by our US Constitution. He, like the illegal immigrants who drain out economy and social services system, are NOT PROTECTED by the US Constitution.

Ahmadinejad does not have First, Second, Third, Fourth, or Fifth…or any other number…amendment rights. I think foreign diplomats should be given courtesies and be treated with respect without persecution or censorship. However, Ahmadinejad is not a diplomat. He is a terrorist dictator glad-handing with the corrupt UN (who is just about as liberally left as, and some liberals who sympathize with Ahmadinejad's cause at Columbia want to use him to once again show how poorly they think of their own country.

Ahmadinejad does not deserve to have any protection under the Constitution. Period. Especially since he is funding and arming the terrorists who are killing and maiming the very troops who are fighting to protect the meaning of that document.

The only stage that Ahmadinejad deserves to be on is one with a trap door, with him standing upon said trapdoor with his hands tied, a blindfold covering his eyes, and a noose around his skinny little neck…open the trap door.

Ok, I guess killing the guy is over the top. He is just a leader trying to make the world a better place for him to kill innocent and gain more power. All he has ever done is hold a country hostage, censor his people, seek to develop nuclear weapons to sell or use, pledge to wipe out Israel, and send weapons and funding to the people who are killing our troops in harm's way.

I guess that's forgivable.


It works SO well in Canada and Europe....let's bring it here.

What is it?

Tax-funded health care for EVERYONE!!!

For the 47 million uninsured (20 million of which are the illegal criminals who broke the law to cross our borders into our country), Hillary wants to start America's path to Socialism with healthcare for everyone.

Health Coverage for EVERYONE!!!

Sounds great in a 5 second sound bite on the news and reads great in a blurb in the paper...but how can this happen?

Well, the government has plenty of money, and can get even more from the rich. Let's tax the rich into oblivion and redistribute the wealth. High taxes and the passing on of hard-earned dollars is just the thing to encourage job growth, higher wages, and entrepreneurship in our country.

I can see it now. Even more people fighting to climb the ladder of success so they can give 50-60-70% of their earnings to the less fortunate. And since they are in such a giving mood, with all the taxes going to Washington, DC, they will continue the trend of spending and hire more people for higher wages. They're rich. They can afford it.

Actually, the health care system, as it exists in this country today, is the best in the world. We do not need some do-nothing senator from a do-nothing Democratic congress (WAIT!!! They did rename some post offices, so I guess they did do something with their major win in 2006.) mucking up this system with government funding, government regulation, and government involvement on the day-to-day operations of health care.

The price tag for her plan, as she states, is $110 billion. Why, that's not bad...until the people who are working overtime to pay for their own insurance plans drops their plans in favor of the free stuff.

Then, of course, when the time comes that a life saving operation is needed, we won't have time or the intestinal fortitude to ask for citizenship documents. So, anyone from anywhere with a boo boo or a sickness can come on our dime...well, its not our dime, it's the rich people's dime, right?

Then, suddenly, the system won't work so good. SuperHillary will swoop in with government programs and regulations to help fix the problem (but no one other than Fox News will have the spine to call out the fact that it was a problem created by Hillary.) Now, all the sick and dying will look to the Big-Brother Clinton regime to take care of everything. People will be so sick and so desperate for care, they won't care that their choice is being taken away. They will only get to see certain doctors on certain days. People with colds and flues will stand in line like Russians in a bread line.

If you want to see government health care in action, look at the VA Medical Centers and Walter Reed Hospital. While there are some fine, talented, caring people that work in these places, they are few and far between. In general, it is not the cream of the crop that work there. In addition, the level of care is based on the bottom line and not on the needs of the patient. My dad is a Vietnam Vet who can only afford the VA Medical Center, and I have seen first hand how the level of care and treatment and improvement of the quality of life is sorely lacking. Like I said, they do some good things. However, like the men peeled from their beds with bed sores and gangrene at Walter Reed, there will be a low level of care as compared to the pseudo-free-market system we have now.

Like with the school systems across America, consolidation will be the key to fiscal responsibility. Instead of living 5 miles from a hospital, people will have to be bussed 2-3 hours sometimes to find a place of wellness.

The inner cities will be left behind. The minority population throughout the country will see a drastic decline in the decades following the installation of the Hillary Health Care plan.

Think I am being racist? Ask yourself this...courtesy of Democrat-developed bills and spending cuts, the government has already screwed up the Education system. Carry that the schools and regions with high black or Hispanic populations get the best teachers and equipment? No. You think when the government takes over health care, the blacks and Hispanics will have the best doctors and life-saving equipment?

So, ok, let's stop Hillary. But Barack HUSSEIN Obama and "Breck Girl" Edwards claim to have had similar plans and accuse Hillary of stealing their health care proposals.

So, basically, if the blue states win, we will all lose.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Remembering 9/11 Six Years Later...

Everyone is posting stuff about remembering the victims and the families and everything, but, really, how many of us REALLY remember what 9-11 means?
If you watch the news, or, let's face it, it's really not news but actually nationally broadcast editorials posing as news, you see that they have forgotten what 9-11 means. If you look to many in Congress, they have forgotten what happened six years ago.
On the news, and I use the term loosely, you see constant focus on the loss of life in Iraq and the constant references to "another Vietnam," or "being stuck in a Civil War." The news uses the 9-11 anniversary as a theme to point fingers and create blame for the world's troubles. They exaggerrate the bad and totally down-play the positive. There is always a slant to the news now...the angle is always there to find a way to prove George W. Bush and the repulican congress failed. They say that Bin Laden is still alive. They say that al Qeada is still organizing and is "stronger than ever."
Judging by the tape released several days ago, Bin Laden looks like a beaten man. The whiny bully who has lost his iron-fist control of the neighborhood. His eyes looked those of a man who has been on the run for SIX YEARS. He is in such a dissheveled state, they had to import some grecian formula to try to make him look respectable...but dying your beard will only cover up the truth...Bin Laden is weak, tired, and has lost his strength physically and as a leader. Not to mention, his planned attack at Rammstein in Germany was foiled just days before his little home video came out.
If al Qeada is so much stronger, its because Iran is sending supplies into Iraq. So, with the power of Iran and Syria, and quite possibly Saudia Arabia and Russia, al Qeada has more resources, but they are not stronger. They are a threat, but more so to our troops and our allies in the field of battle, and less likely to hit us at home again.
And don't give me this bull about "Iraq didn't attack us." The people who we are fighting in Afghanistan and Iraq are all cut from the same cloth with the same ideas. They want Americans to die. They want to kill you. They want to kill me. They hate every freedom we have. They have an impossible hate for us. They hate America almost as much as democrats do.
Speaking of which, if you think the media does not have an anti-Bush bias, ask yourself this. How many times did your news focus on the fact that absolutely ZERO attacks have occurred on US soil since 9-11? Clinton allowed the 1993 WTC bombing to go unpunished, the attacks on US Embassies in Africa to go without punishment, and then the 2000 USS Cole attack went unanswered. Three attacks in 8 years for Clinton...One in 7 years for Bush (By the way, the attacks on 9-11 were planned during Clinton's lazy years, so, technically, 9-11 was a Clinton mishap, much like the inherited recession Bush dealt with in his first year of office.)
So, please continue to remember the victims...the families of victims...remember that there are still 3,000 empty chairs at the dinner table because the Clinton administration allowed Bin Laden to build strength for 8 years. Just think...what if Clinton had gone after al Qeada in 1993...who might still be alive today...then ask, are we ready for another no-action Clinton administration?

Four Decades of Military Service....Still no Respect from the Democrats???


General David Petraeus has spent the better part of the last four decades serving our nation. He has drastically impacted the military and the way our wars are fought.

General Petraeus wrote the book, literally, on counter-insurgency in Iraq. He has been in charge of training the Iraqi security forces. He has been in Iraq for nearly 4 years out of the last five.

He nearly died from a bullet to the chest while wearing the US uniform. He is the son of a man who served in the military. He graduated the US Military Academy. He has a Ph.D. from Princeton University. His credentials are impeccable and impressive.

Yet, to believe this man's report and testimony to Congress, we have to "suspend disbelief." Presidential hopeful and leading Democratic candidate Hillary Clinton, as well as most of her party, feel that his report on the progress in Iraq and the surge was inacurate and a White House-influenced political piece of propaganda.

Look at the Democrats' biggest financial backer, MoveOn.Org. They have publicly said they have bought and paid for the Democratic party. They get an uneal discount on a full page ad, which ran the day of General Petraeus' testimony to Congress (thus being printed before the General had given a word of testimony to anyone.) They accused the General of betraying our country by giving his report. His honesty, integrity, and 4 decades of service to our country was smeared by a group of anti-American kooks...kooks who control the thoughts, words, and deeds of all the democratic presidential candidates (Don't believe me??? Name one of the front-runners that has spoken out against the slanderous insult of an ad...just one.)

It is a disgrace and a joke that Petraeus was smeared the way he was by, made worse by the fact that the New York Times, a paper of record in our country, gave them a discounted rate to smear the General. The worst part is, there are 4 people one the Democratic side who have a legit chance to become Commander in Cheif of the military, and the General's next boss, and they all refuse to decry the ad. They refuse to say that it was uncalled for and wrong. They even try to agree with the ad without using the exact same verbage. Hillary says that to accept what General Petraeus testified to, we have to "suspend our disbelief." Meaning, we have to ignore the fact he is lying to accept it. And she wants to lead our military?

I just believe a man who wears four stars and has served as long as he has deserves a little more respect. I guess this shows their true colors...all this time they tried to say "We're against the war but we support the troops." Well, when a bona fide American hero and true leader gives them bad news for their political ambitions, they appearantly are willing to make exceptions to their support of the troops.

Below is the dispicible ad that MoveOn.Org placed in the New York Times on September 10, 2007.

Monday, August 20, 2007

The Dr. Phil House Today

Normally, I wouldn't admit to watching Dr. Phil...but, I have to admit to it today due to the topic addressed.

Child molestation.

I was appalled at the story that today's show centered around. A loving family of a husband, wife, and beautiful little girl trusted the mother and father of the husband to be occasional babysitters. Sadly, that trust was tragically misplaced.

The young girl's grandfather sexually molested her and robbed her of her innocence at only age six. Just as tragic, when the six year old, knowing what happened was wrong, went to the wife of the molesting grandfather, (which is her grandmother, obviously), the grandmother tried to hide it.

The sick loser of a grandfather went to prison (a whopping eight hole months) and cannot be withing 300 yards of his granddaughter. However, the grandmother is only banned from the child at the parent's request.

As I sat there and watched the grandparents shirk any self-responsibility for the act and blame the devil and only say they were sorry, I was so disgusted. First, anyone who harms a child, especially in a sexual way, is a sick, twisted scum that deserves the worst possible punishments known to man (castration sure sounds fair). Harming a child warrants far more than 8 months in jail. Harming a child like that should be far more serverely punished than what it is in our country.

And we have special interest groups (all of whom vote Democrat!) who fight for the rights of the molesters. Fight to keep them out of jail. Fight the registered sex offenders list constantly. Fight to keep these sickos in mainstream society. Our society would rather punish the victim and celebrate the criminal. There is no real punishment a civilized society can give to child molesters, but I think what we do offer is severely lacking.

So, let this little blog serve warning. When I do have children, if anyone...and I mean ANYONE...harms them, molests them, or otherwise causes pain or suffering to my child, let me just say that that person would not live to see prison. I am not a violent man, wrestling notwithstanding, but you hurt my child, or if I find you hurting any other child, I will plant your sorry soul. How that father could sit calmly in the same room as his father after what he did to that little girl drives me nuts. You touch my, or any other kid that way, and they would have to pry my fingers from your lifeless throat.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Radical Idea About Immigration Reform....

With this amnesty, excuse me, "Immigration Reform" bill still on the stove, albeit the back burner for now, I want to put its ideals to a test. Let's see if it can work.

First, in the dead of night, despite a wall and several security measures, I want to make as many attempts as needed to break into Ted Kennedy's home. I live in a small town in a middle class home with limited opportunities. If I could just be a Kennedy, I could fulfill my dreams.

It won't matter if I am arrested and sent back home. I will keep trying. If a cop gets too rough with me, all I have to do is claim I am some sort of minority, and HE will go to jail, and not me.

I will set up residence there, doing jobs most Kennedy's won't do. I will then be privy to the same rights and priviledges as any member of the Kennedy family. I will be added to Ted's government employee insurance benefit, at his expense. I will be given access to the best schools and training that money can buy, at his expense. I will automatically have rights to a share of his retirement fund, at no expense to me.

I will be allowed to work and save up to pay a fine for having broken in, but after my fine is paid, I will be a Kennedy. I won't even have to talk in a manner in which the current residents of the home will understand. They will have to learn to talk the way I do. All books and labels will have to be rewritten in such a way as I see fit. If there is something in the home I cannot figure out how to use and I get hurt, it will be the fault of the homeowners and the fault of the people who sold it and the people who made it. My ignorance will never be called into question.

I think I will do it. My family needs the money to get out of debt. Even if I do find work in the Kennedy house, I will also be allowed to steal anything I need so I can help bring my family there. Again, if the cops are involved, they will only be attacking me because of their prejudice, and not at all because I was in the home illegally.

If it works for me, then perhaps we should go forward with this bill. And, of course, this type of punishment for illegally entering somewhere and setting up residence there will not, absolutely not!, encourage more people to do the same.

Who is with me?

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Playing with the Troops Funding for Political Gain

In case you live in a cave, by now you know that the Democrats in congress are using their positions to increase the mighty swing of their political bats by playing games with our troops' lives.

Our troops are dependent on funding for necessary equipment and training, which is an invaluable piece of legislation to have pass through Congress. So, our good Liberal friends decide to play games with the money and try to abuse their power, and even overstep their Constitutional powers, by trying to micromanage the war from Capitol Hill.

Not only have they weighed down the funding bill with nothing but pork and outrageous wasting of tax payer money, but have included a joke of a timeline for the war. They are trying to install a deadline for victory in the war and pull out. Guess what an official pull-out date does? Gives the enemy a date to celebrate their victory. YOU CANNOT SET A DATE TO WIN A WAR AND PULL OUT.

You know what would happen if we did that? Suddenly, miraculously, violence would decline...only rare, random fringe acts of violence would occur. Mostly, though, the war would seem won. Then, the democrats could claim THEIR legistlation won the war...then, when the last platoons of our troops are on their way out...when, I mean the Democrats, well, they are one in the same since is the puppet masters of John Kerry, Hillary "Fake Southern Accent" Clinton, John "Pretty Girl" Edwards, and Ted "Where is the bridge again?" Kennedy, and the rest of the libs, have gotten their way, their cry of defeat...just then, ALL HELL WILL BREAK LOOSE.

Iraq will be invaded with a vengeance from Iran and Syria. Our last few platoons will be left out to dry and become target practice as the terrorists invade. Iraq will fall into a massive hysteria and violence...the streets of Baghdad will literally run red from the killing of men, women, and children. And the work and sacrifice of the thousands of troops who fought in this war will be wasted as we have to reinvade to try to save the world from third World War. But, it might be too late.

Sadly, most Americans will buy the garbage the liberals and the liberal media sell you. They will lie to you and tell you that we are on a brink of a world war due to Bush's war with Iraq, and the forced pull-out will have nothing to do with it.

Please, America, see what is going on. America's finest and bravest are being used as toys in a political power play by the democrats. It is sad, sick, and as traitorous as anything imaginable. Our troops deserve better...our troops shouldn't be gambled for political points...and we as Americans cannot let this ploy work.

It just disgusts me. Why anyone would support liberal thought is beyond me.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

"Love," "Marriage," and "Divorce."

As of this morning, the dream turned nightmare will officially be over. We go before the courts and make official that admittance that, yet again, the words "love" and "marriage" are just catchphrases, and hold little real meaning.

What has happened to the world? Where is the character? Where is the moral values? Where is the strength in spirit? Why have we, as a society and the world at large, allowed the sacred institutions of love and marriage become so trivial?

We stand up with our anti-rainbow rings to shut down lesbians and gays from using the term marriage, pretending in that instance that it still means something. Yet, as a society, people constantly get married and divorced as if we are all trapped in Salem and "Days of Our Lives."
No matter how entertaining and exciting and intriguing it might be to see Bo go from Billy to Hope to Billy to Hope and back again....or see John with Kate, Kate with Roman, John with Marlena, Roman with Marlena, or any of 1,000 thing holds true: the constant switching with little to no real thought or emotional attachments is immoral, wrong, and disgraceful. It might be a show, but our society is just like it.

Far too often I hear or see people getting married because they should, because its what they are supposed to do. Instead of finding the person who you want to spend your life with, the goal is to find the person who hangs in the longest and then get hitched. It is few and far between to find a REAL marriage based on REAL love..and that is sad.

When I got married, as quick as it might have been, I got married for the right reasons. I was in love and intended to spend my life making my wife happy and was willing to fight with every ounce of my being to make us work through the hard times. I intended on marrying one person and spending my life loving that one person. Sadly, she had other reasons for getting married, and those reasons are still a painful mystery.

Part of our problem is that we are all programmed to think sex is a major function of EVERY relationship. If you are with a girl 3 weeks and she's not giving in, there MUST be something wrong, right? If a guy resists the temptation, the woman feels its an insult and its because he really isn't attracted to her. If one partner doesn't want to have sex immediately, there MUST be something wrong with the people involved and the relationship itself.

I gave in, sadly, and devalued the gift of sex by participating before marriage. I only gave in for two reasons: I knew in my heart that I was with the woman I was going to marry, and I felt pressured and that my not giving in was hurting her feelings and would hurt our relationship.

Unfortunately, giving in did hurt the relationship and we didn't allow the proper foundation for a relationship to be built. Perhaps because of that she was able to drop me so her case there was no real foundation because we rushed every part of the relationship and it distorted her views.

That is the biggest problem...most people today don't know how to build a relationship without getting into bed immediately. You can never really love someone if the growth of the relationship depends on sex. That is the root of the problem. Sex is devalued and used as a recreational activity with little to no moral responsibility.

If the gift designed for a husband and wife is devalued, it only stands to reason and logic that the next step would be the crumbling of the meaning of marriage. If you can have sex for free, why go through the rigamarole of building a relationship and a solid marriage?

This blog has probably ranted enough. I just wish that the next time I am able to give someone my heart and marry again, they will share my beliefs. Beliefs that say marriage is sacred, and not a legal agreement that will eventually become an inconvinience because they didn't enter it with the proper beliefs and values.

I hope that those with children, or those still growing themselves, will become examples of this idea. The idea that love and marriage really do mean something and should not be thrown around like the term "lol" in an IM conversation. The idea that divorce should be avoided at ALL costs, and only be a LAST resort, and come about after both parties have given each other the best effort they can.

Monday, March 5, 2007

ALgore and the hypocrasy of the Liberal Left

To hear Al Gore and the left tell it, you and I average Americans are the only ones responsible for any possible pollution and damage to the Earth and this mystery called "Global Warming."

In 30 years, we went from a Global Cooling and possible Ice Age on the horizon to a Global Warming of catostrophic proportions. And it is you and my fault...and not anyone on the left.

And to compensate for our misuse and abuse of the Earth, they are now buying and selling Carbon Offsets.

What is a Carbon Offset? It is a deed or activity done to offset the damage done by one's carbon emmissions. You drive an SUV and emit so much carbon exhaust, you can pay a company to offset those emmissions by planting trees or "researching" ways to trap methane from cow flatulence...yes, you could offset your damage to the Earth by paying a company to figure out how to TRAP COW FARTS.

I am not a psychic, but I do see some cow emmissions...but its from a bull and its not in gaseous form, if you catch my drift.

Yet, with near unlimited financial resources and connections, these same preachers of the gospel of anti-carbon emmissions and carbon offset purchases, these same people do anything but try to lead by example. They drive their Hummers and Escalades and stretch in private jets and private jumbo jets...air condition barns full of their own movie and personal memorabelia...air condition or heat empty homes that they stay in only once every so often. The cast of your average Hollywood production emits more carbon and pollution that the rest of the country combined...yet they dare preach to us.

The city of Hong Kong uses twice as much energy as the United States...yet why doesn't Al Gore fly there in his fuel-guzzling private jet to preach to them about carbon offsets? Why? Because the Chinese would see through his B.S. and laugh his psycho comb-over out of the country.
Yet here, Leo DiCaprio and Susan Sarandon and Sean Penn all jump on this bandwagon and cheer for the idea that paying a for-profit company to research trapping cow farts will offset their wasteful use of energy, gas, and other resources.

Why do people buy into the hypocrasy without question? I don't get why America doesn't tell these morons to shut up and get off my TV.

About Me...And This Blog Site...

My name is David A. Ebert, the oldest of two siblings produced by my parents, Leah and David G. Ebert. We are all Republicans, but I take it a toke or two...well, closer to 10 tokes...further than my parents,

I am very much a Right Wing Conservative. I am a Reagan Conservative. I believe Americans, in general, are smarter than elected officials in Washington, DC. We should be more in charge than the Government.

We, as individuals and families, should have more responsibility over our own, hard-earned money and not send more and more and more taxes to the out-of-touch politicians. I believe the government is there to serve us, and not us to serve them.

I believe in America's greatness and that, overall, we are the most generous, forgiving, intelligent, and genuinely decent country in the world. I also believe that we are the most powerful nation in the history of the world, but do not use that power to hold over the collective heads of other nations.

I believe that low taxes, intelligent spending of those tax revenues, strong initiatives on defense and education, and small government influence on the day-to-day lives of Americans are some of the most important ideals related to how the US should be operated.I believe in the freedoms granted by the US Constitution. I believe that judges should uphold and interpret the laws as written in the US Constitution, and not refer to any foreign legislation to make their historic decisions.

I believe the First Amendment, as well as the entire Bill of Rights, are the most important laws this world has ever seen.

I believe abortion is WRONG. I believe that homosexuality is WRONG. I believe that allowing anyone to publicly debate the possibility of lowering the age of consent, especially for young boys to consent to older men, is a tragedy of morality. I believe that organizations like NAMBLA should be publicly shunned and not given a platform to spew their harmful and dangerous rhetoric.

I believe there is a sad lacking in the ability of our nation to appreciate and accept self responsibility. We, as a nation, blame daddy, racism, sexism, classism, mommy, the mean teacher, the mean little league coach, the loud mouthed uncle, the financial status of the neighborhood in which we grew up in, and a million and one other reasons why we do not succeed. How often do we, as a nation, take the blame for our own mistakes? How often do you hear someone accept responsibility for their own mistakes? How often?

I am conservative. I am worried about the future of the country and the planet, especially if O-BOMB-A or Billary Clinton make it to 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. I will start posting my fears, my hopes, my ideas as they all relate to news and politics. I hope to open some eyes and change some opinions with my writings. Most of all, I hope you will read my words and be inspired to find the truth...and not rely on Chris Matthews or Keith Olberman or Katie Couric or Matt Lauer for your opinions. I hope you will break the mold and do something something that O-BOMB-A and Billary are afraid of you doing...


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