So, maybe they could possibly be right? Maybe their ideals are best. Why can I not give the benefit of the doubt?
I look at how the current administration and the current Congress treat everyday Americans. I study how reactions from those in power relate to the reality of their opposition. Then, I came to a conclusion about whether or not the left could be right.
The left is wrong. They are killing the country. Nearly everything Rush, Hannity, Levin, and even Beck are saying is en route to reality. How do I know? Look at the debate.
Conservative: I disagree with the plans for Health Care Reform. I fear the unintended consequences will result in rationing and even further difficulty for seniors to get and pay for needed care.
Liberal: RACIST! You are a bigot. You are a homophobe and a sexist. I am afraid of the violent rhetoric you are spewing.
Conservative: I am only voicing my opposition and utilizing my Constitutional rights. I think Health Care Reform and Cap and Tax will further destroy our country.
Liberal: Destroy our country? You are threatening our country with destruction?
Conservative: What? I want to peaceably assemble to petition my government for redress of my grievances.
Liberal: Racist! Seditionist! You Nazi with your guns rights and Constitution. You are dangerous! Someone needs to stop you before someone gets killed!
Enter SEIU members to attack nearest black person at Tea Party rally.
Conservatives express legitimate, fact-based concerns. Liberals call them racists and bigots and seditionists. It's like an adult arguing with a child. The adult uses logic, the child gets mad and screams and name-calls. Who is usually right when a child and adult disagree in this manner?
If the liberals could defend and demonstrate, with facts, that what they are pushing through is true, right, and accurate, why is their first, second, and only reaction name calling and marginalization of opponents?
The fact is, they can't. They know the opposition is right, so they have to legitimize them instead of de-legitimize their own agenda. Ask yourself, when you disagree with a friend or loved one, if they resort to name calling and attempting to devalue you as a human being, who is the person that is most likely right? Who is most likely on the correct side of an issue when one side cites facts, ideas, different solutions, and legitimate concerns, or the side who resorts to childish name-calling and baseless accusations?
Think about it.